Wilms' Tumor (Nephroblatoma)

Figure A. Gross section

Figure B. Gross section

Figure C. Gross section

Figure D. H&E x10x

Figure E. H&E x20




Clinical History: 20 year old male with right renal mass and vena caval involvement; presenting for right nephrectomy with vena caval thrombectomy.

Gross: Figures A, B, C show gross sections of kidney showing nephroblastoma with invasion into renal pelvis, sinusoidal adipose tissue and focally into perinephric adipose tissue.

The mass is located predominantly within the anterior, central aspect of the renal parenchyma and partially involves the renal sinus and renal pelvis and extends distally into the renal vein

Histology: Figures D and E show triphasic pattern comprising of blastemal (sheets of small, round blue cells), stromal and epithelial components (abortive tubules) .

(Last Edition: February 21, 2024 )